
Showing posts from October, 2023

Week 9

  Hi all, After making some final tweaks to our models to fix any errors, we went ahead and evaluated the accuracy of each model. The model that accounted for home-field advantage for its expected goal calculation ended up being far and away the most accurate out of the bunch. This model accurately predicted the outcome of 62% of the matches in last year's playoffs. All of the other models we evaluated ended up having less than forty percent accuracy. Pretty interesting to see just how big of an impact playing at home vs away has on a team's performance. So, with our model selected, we were ready to move on to the next phase. The playoffs actually start this weekend, so we quickly got to work on building a prediction for the first round of this year's playoffs. It should be fun to see how our model fares in its predictions this weekend.   

Week 8

  Hi all, This week we finally had the whole team together for our weekly meeting and things went great. We went over our different models and we are now going to be comparing how they fared in predicting match outcomes when applied to last year’s playoffs. We did find some errors in our models, so we are now tidying things up to make our predictions for this year's playoffs. The regular season ends in a few days, so we want to have all our ducks in a row before the playoffs start. So for now, we are all working on making some final tweaks to our models and also going to be delving a bit deeper into binomial deviance and squared deviance to see if this will provide us the best barometer for error in our models.